Resource for the latest information of Sweden Student Visa. It contains useful information of Sweden Student Visa along with guide to Study Abroad, Universities, Scholarships, Application Documentation, Student Visa process and Student Life.
If you want to study in Sweden you need a permit before entering Sweden. The Migration Board has to stop the possibility to apply for residence permits for studies via its website form 1 July owing to a technical check-up of the system. Instead the applicants has had to hand in their applications at embassies or consulates. This only applies to first-time applications, it will still be possible to prolong a student residence permit via the Board's website.
Applications for residence permits for studies have increased enormously, especially in the last year, as have even the number of electronic applications.
The present technical capacity for electronic applications along with the present administrative resources are not sufficient to deal with the increase. In consequence, we cannot fulfil the purpose of electronic applications, which is to simplify and shorten the application process.
There are various problems with the system for electronic applications. The applicants have for example difficulties attaching the necessary appendices and paying their application fees. This makes the applicants uncertain whether they have sent in a complete application or not, and therefore many send in their applications several times. This means extra administration which results in longer waiting times.